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Infinite Greatness: How to Reach Your Highest Self

By Mba Jivolae James Harris

In mathematics, infinite is defined as lacking limits or endless. In Infinite Greatness, author Jivolae James Harris shows how the extent of one’s greatness can be infinite. He discusses how success in life is predicated on how you act and think and how you can transform your mind in order to achieve your goals.

Harris introduces a number of high-achieving individuals and profiles their accomplishments throughout history, including a king, a heavyweight champ, a president, a valedictorian, a CEO, and a Ph.D. Through the habits and actions of these people, he helps you develop like strategies to propel you toward your own personal greatness.

Infinite Greatness recommends for you to act like a champ and think like a king. It tells you to reach for the stars, be ambitious, be determined, have a burning desire to be great, follow your passions, and be innovative. Harris outlines a philosophy of greatness that will set you on your path to success and fulfillment.

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