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Quantum Theory of Electrodynamics

By James Russell Farmer

Quantum Theory of Electrodynamics was first published in the Toth-Maatian Review, Lubbock, Texas, 1990-93, Editor Harold Willis Milnes. Having ascertained that a wave packet spectrum had to be constructed out of Doppler shift frequencies, it was natural to use non-relativistic, rather than relativistic, Doppler shifts, as they are simpler and the chance of a successful theory is greater using them. Constructing a Fourier spectrum in this manner, the first thing evident was that the width of the spectrum will be in proportion to the central frequency, Planck’s law! Now the height of the Fourier spectrum is the electromagnetic amplitude, E. If you double the height of the spectrum, you double the height if the wave packet (photon energy). If you double the width, then similarly you double the photon energy. So, to make the photon energy independent of the electromagnetic intensity, you make the area of the spectrum a constant. When you do this, you arrive at a result that in the limit E –> infinity, v –> 0, that the field lines per wavelength is in proportion to the intensity. This pleasing result gave the confidence to persevere. It became a hunt for the result that if you double the energy of the photon (double the frequency) them you halve the number of photons in the field, for a constant intensity, because the rate of energy propagation is invariant. It took a couple of years of pounding before the answer became evident. If you keep the spectral area, and so photon energy, constant, even though you are varying the photon frequency, (doubling it, say), you go into a “frame of reference” where photon energy is a constant but intensity is halved. In other words, half the number of photons in the field, or half the rate at which photons are absorbed. This result was achieved by means of a gem of an equation from classical electromagnetic theory, relating intensities to a shift in reference frame, v.(1 – v2/c2) vanished by use of this identity, simplifying matters greatly and giving the desired result. Having accounted for the frequency variation, it became a matter of urgency to explain the significance of the intensity variation, Filed lines per wavelength in proportion to the intensity. Not so urgent! Some thirty years down the track, the sought-after explanation was acquired. It appears in “Grand Unification”, and a final afterthought appears in QTE, appendices.

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